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==Related subjects==
* [[Economic impact of security measures]]
* [[Economic effects of anti-crime security measures]]
===Terrorism displacement===
The displacement of terrorism is the relocation of terrorism from one place, time, target, offence, or tactic to another as a result of some terrorism prevention initiative. The (by far) most common type of displacement is ‘spatial displacement’ when offenders move their criminal activities to another location. There are, however, in total six types of displacement:
* Temporal: offenders change the time at which they commit the criminal activities,
* Target: offenders change the choice of target to another,
* Tactical: offenders change their choice of methods used to carry out their criminal activities,
* Spatial: offender replace their criminal activities to another location,
* Offence: offenders switch the form of criminal activity,
* Offender: a change in person when one offender is faced with reduced opportunities<ref> Centre for Problem-Orienting Policing http://www.popcenter.org/tools/displacement/2 </ref>.
Displacement has long been viewed as a negative side effect of criminal and terrorist prevention efforts. But just like with crime, the current view on this topic is that terrorism prevention is effective and for most cases without the consequence of displacement <ref>See, e.g.: Hsu, Henda Yao (2011). ''A Closer look at terrorism displacement''. State University of New York at Albany.</ref>.
==Related subjects==
==Related subjects==

Revision as of 16:15, 14 December 2012