Security issue: Raid

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Security camera footage of a raid

Raid is the crime of taking or attempting to take something of value from a commercial venue by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear. For the crime of forceful theft from individuals, see robbery, for the crime of burglary by forcing entrance by use of ramming with vehicles, see Ram raid.


Although the number of robberies from commercial establishments is only about 21% of all robberies[1], the impact of those robberies is high, affecting primarily personnel, but also clients and bystanders and they can excess to very violent forms[2]. The act of raiding knows several forms:

  • Straight: Demanding money immediately upon entering a store.
  • Customer: Demanding money some time after entering a store and engaging in the act of making a purchase.
  • Merchandise robbery: A less common type is which involves the forcible taking of goods from a store.[3]

Contributing circumstances

Known circumstances to influence the likelihood or impact of raid, are presented in the table below:

Contributing Circumstance Influence Description
Presence of shops increases number of potential targets As shops are prime targets for raids, and any shop can potentially become a victim of raid, the presence of shops is an important circumstance that contributes to the existence of this security issue.
Presence of particularly vulnerable shops increases vulnerability of targets The vulnerability of a shop - and the attraction this has for raiders - is associated with the shop
  • being open late
  • having no surveillance from the shop to the street or vice versa
  • being situated on the street (not in a mall)
  • selling non-food
  • being situated close to a main road
  • being relatively large[3],[4]
High levels of raiding in the wider neighbourhood Increases likelihood of targeting. The distance to known places where offenders live matters. Study shows that raiders prefer areas in or near their neigbourhoods[4]. This means that if the crime is situated nearby, the criminals are most likely situated nearby also and the likelihood of them selecting the new location for working area increases.
High levels of unemployment Increases likelihood of targeting Although there is no real scientific consensus with respect to the causal relationship between the socio-economic background and property crime, high levels of unemployment are commonly correlated with higher levels of property crime[5][6].


Social impact

Victim employees can also suffer psychological harm.22 “Secondary victimization ” can occur when employers, managers, employees, or those responding to the robbery fail to acknowledge the victim’s trauma.23 This may result from not believing the victim’s description of the attack, discounting the incident, and blaming or criticizing the victim. Psychological problems resulting from victimization may not only affect the employee’s subsequent workplace performance, but also can affect the store’s daily operations.† † Most victims’ organizations agree that immediate intervention and support after a victim endures a robbery is beneficial to the victim’s recovery, yet statistics show that of the 86,000 robbery victims (irrespective of location of victimization) in 1991, only 4 percent of the reported robbery victims were treated by mental health care providers (National Center for Victims of Crime 1997).

(from: robberies of convenient stores, POP center). Pasted to provide extra info. Alexander, see if you can use it.)

Economic impact

Raids lead to considerable costs in both a direct (primary) and a indirect (secondary) way[7]. Direct costs of raids come in the form of:

  • Preventive costs in anticipation of raids (e.g. security measures, insurance);
  • Material and immaterial costs as a consequence of raids (e.g. physical damage, repairs, medical costs, mental harm); and
  • Responsive costs to raids (e.g. the costs of detection and prevention, persecution, support trial, etc.).

In addition, the secondary economic impact of criminal offences has to be considered. Violent crime not only leads to financial or physical damage and prevention costs, but also indirectly influences the local/regional and national economy of a country. According to Detotto and Otranto [8],“crime acts like a tax on the entire economy: it discourages domestic and foreign direct investments[9]. On a more local and regional level, economists define economic impact on business, property value, tourism and quality of life (social capital).

Convenience store robberies are not only costly to the workers victimized but also to the store itself. Costs include loss of customers who may be deterred from shopping at a store that has been robbed, leading to a loss of income from reduced customer sales. Stores can also experience an increase in workers’ compensation costs and insurance premiums due to the robbery. Unfortunately, for those independently owned stores, losses may be unrecoverable, due to the inability of many small operations to afford insurance coverage.17 Stores that do not have insurance coverage may be forced to increase prices or potentially close. Other less direct costs include the various criminal justice activities of state and local governments, including police investigations, prosecutions, and incarceration and supervision of offenders.18 The average cost to employers of a single episode of workplace violence can amount to $250,000 in lost work time and legal expenses.19 Workplace victimizations reportedly contribute to a loss of 3.5 days per employee per crime. Victimization can further limit the ability of these stores to attract and maintain employees for the night shifts, particularly in stores that operate 24 hours a day20 and those with a high volume of cash transactions, a characteristic of such stores. The combination of operational expenses and security challenges can be financially burdensome.21

(from: robberies of convenient stores, POP center). Pasted to provide extra info. John, see if you can use it.)

Mobility impact

Safety impact

Convenience store employees suffer from high rates of workplace homicide, second only to taxicab drivers. Customers can also suffer injury from offender assaults. Injuries can result from an employee’s active resistance or from the offender ’s misreading the employee’s nervousness or hesitation as resistance.15 When faced with an employee who chooses to actively resist and is in a face-to-face confrontation, robbers may resort to injuring the worker to avoid apprehension. Higher injury rates are consistently found to be correlated with measures employees take during the robbery.[3]


  • Surveillance
  • Reaction force
  • Target hardening
  • Access control
  • Reducing attractiveness (no money in register)
  • Increasing chance of apprehension

Enthorf and Spengler(2002)[10] find that planning-intense offences like breaking and entering, robbery (raids) and violence respond relatively slow to changes in the socio-economic conditions compared to other types of crime like drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime. According to the authors, this may reflect that in a first response to unfortunate social and economic developments some of the affected might become attracted to alcohol and drug abuse, which in a later phase has to be financed with criminal activities by committing property crimes like breaking and entering.

Footnotes and references

  1. CJIS, Crime in the United States 2011,
  2. As is illustrated by a series of extremely violent raids by a Belgium gang in the 1980s, killing a total of 28 people. see: wikipedia:Brabant killers
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Altizio Alicia and York Diana, Robbery of Convenience Stores, Problem-Oriented Guides for Police, Guide No. 49, April 2007
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mirrlees-Black Curiona and Ross Alec, Crime against retail and manufacturing premises: findings from the 1994 Commercial Victimisation Survey, Home Office Research Study 146, copyright 1995, ISBN 1 85893 554 7
  5. Kepple NJ, Freisthler B., Exploring the ecological association between crime and medical marijuana dispensaries.,J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2012 Jul;73(4):523-30
  6. See, e.g.: Chapman, B., D Weatherburn, C.A. Kapuscinski, M. Chilvers and S. Roussel (2002). Unemployment duration, schooling and property crime. CEPR Working paper
  7. Primary economic impact (or direct effects) are generally defined as the initial, immediate economic output generated by a specific cause (in this case a criminal offence). Secondary economic impact (or indirect effects) are generated each time a subsequent transaction is made, for example, the impact of crime on the real estate value in the neighbourhood.
  8. Detotto,C. and E. Otranto (2010). Does crime affect Economic growth? KYKLOS, Vol.63–August 2010-No.3, 330-345.
  9. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a direct investment by a business or enterprise in a foreign economy.
  10. Entorf, H., H. Spengler (2002). Crime in Europe; Causes and Con-sequences. Springer-Verlag Berlin