Protection against vandalism

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This is a help page for the SecuRbAn risk assessment tool

The protection level against vandalism question in Securban concerns the measure types

  • Directing traffic flows to reduce the chance for potential vandals to approach vulnerable areas, reducing the visibility of potential targets to criminals.
  • Target removal by removing particularly vulnerable objects from high-risk locations.
  • Removing means by making sure any materials that might be helpful for vandals are kept out of reach.

The score is divided into three categories in Securban:

  1. Neither of the measure types are taken to prevent vandalism.
  2. One of the measure types is taken to prevent vandalism.
  3. More than one of the measure types are taken to prevent vandalism.

As these categories are not exhaustive, and many intermediate protection levels exist, in answering the question, one will have to choose the level that comes closest to the actual level.

All other measure types against vandalism (such as surveillance) are covered in other answers in Securban and should not be considered in answering this question.