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* [[Measure: Reaction force|Reaction force]] is needed to make detection measures, such as alarms or surveillance, effective.
* [[Measure: Reaction force|Reaction force]] is needed to make detection measures, such as alarms or surveillance, effective.
* [[Measure: Directing traffic flows|Directing traffic flows]] can be effective in preventing unneccesary traffic in a neighbourhod, reducing the visibility of potential targets to criminals. Study shows that targets are most likely to be chosen in likely travel directions of potential offenders<ref name="bernasco"></ref>.
* [[Measure: Directing traffic flows|Directing traffic flows]] can be effective in preventing unneccesary traffic in a neighbourhod, reducing the visibility of potential targets to criminals. Study shows that targets are most likely to be chosen in likely travel directions of potential offenders<ref name="bernasco"></ref>.
* [[Measure: Target removal|Target removal]] By removing particularly vulnerable objects, burglary can in some case be effectively reduced. And example is the replacement of coin-operated gas and electricity meters for models that did not hold money.
* [[Measure: Target removal|Target removal]] By removing particularly vulnerable objects, burglary can in some case be effectively reduced. An example is a package of measures to prevent repeat victimization of houses on a public housing estate in Britain, including the removal of gas and electric coin meters which were frequent targets for theft, which reduced burglaries on the estate from 526 in the year before intervention to 132 three years later<ref></ref>.
* [[Measure: Ownership|Ownership]] is an important aspect in the prevention of unauthorized entry by creating a clear distinction between public and private space. By providing a clear distinction between public and private property, unwanted entry is more easily detected and requires a greater which reduces the number of opportunities for crime.
* [[Measure: Ownership|Ownership]] is an important aspect in the prevention of unauthorized entry by creating a clear distinction between public and private space. By providing a clear distinction between public and private property, unwanted entry is more easily detected and requires a greater which reduces the number of opportunities for crime.
* [[Measure: Maintenance|Maintenance]] and designing for easy maintenance can be used as the removal of a crime motivator, as deterioration can be an incentive to various forms of crime.
* [[Measure: Maintenance|Maintenance]] and designing for easy maintenance can be used as the removal of a crime motivator, as deterioration can be an incentive to various forms of crime.

Revision as of 17:43, 11 February 2013

Gaining access by forcing a window

Burglary is the crime of illicitly entering a building with the intent to commit an offence, particularly (but not limited to) theft.


Burglary involves a criminal (most commonly: thief) to enter a building, or part thereof, that is not freely accessible, without permission. Although for breaking it is not necessary to actually break something, it is necessary to wilfully overcome an obstacle that prevents entering (such as 'picking a lock').

Contributing circumstances

Known circumstances to influence the likelihood or effect of burglary, are presented in the table below:

Contributing Circumstance Influence Description
Lack of surveillance. Decreases risk of detection. A low level of surveillance, particularly round-the-clock surveillance, decreases the perceived risk of detection for a perpetrator and thereby increases the attractiveness.
High levels of burglary in the vicinity. Increases likelihood of targetting. The distance to known places where offenders live matters. On average, burglars travel 2,6 km to commit their crimes[1] and the odds of a neighbourhood’s being chosen increases by a factor of 1.67 for every kilometre closer to the burglar’s home it is located[2].
High levels of unemployment Increases likelihood of targetting High levels of unemployment are associated with higher levels of burglary[3]. In fact a study showed that increased unemployment in one year predicted increased violence in the next year[4].
Low levels of ownership Decreases the inhibitions for committing the crime Uncertainty of ownership can reduce responsibility and increase the likelihood of crime and anti-social behaviour going unchallenged[5].
High expected levels of drug- or alcohol abuse Reduces inhibitions for crime The presence of regular abusers of alcohol or drugs has a strong correlation with the occurrence of burglary, often thought to be caused by the need for financing an addiction. Studies show that about 40% of all burglary is committed under the influence of alcohol[6].
Long reaction times or inadequate action of reaction force. Decreases likelihood of apprehension Untimely or inappropriate reactions to violence lead to a perception of little control, which will increase perceived risk for the public and decrease perceived risk for the perpetrators. Also, reducing the impact of an assault (by timely intervention) will also be impossoble and lead to greater effects of incidents.
High percentage of single family detached homes Increases the perceived reward and vulnerability Single family detached houses are often attractive targets–with greater rewards – and more difficult to secure because they have multiple access points [7].
Large residential areas Increases attractiveness of area The number of residential units in a neighbourhood influences the chance of this neighbourhood to be chosen by burglars. When the number of residential units in a neighbourhood increases by 1000, the odds of being chosen rises by a factor of 1.35.[8]
Increased ethnic heterogeneity unknown Ethnic heterogeneity is associated with higher levels of burglary. A study[8] showed that an increase of 10% in heterogeneity in a neigbourhood makes it a factor 1.13 more likely to be chosen by burglars.
High amounts of traffic Increases the visibility of targets Houses near major thoroughfares are more likely to catch the attention of burglars passing by. Moreover, it is more difficult to distinguish residents and visitors from strangers in heavily traveled areas.[7]
Multiple accesses and exits to neighbourhood Decreases the risk of apprehension Multiple access ways, particularly when limited in surveillance, provide good access and exit opportunities for criminals. Alleys, for example, provide both access and escape for burglars, and limit visibility to neighbors. In addition, large side yards facilitate access to the backs of houses.[7]

Socio-economic causes

Although there is no real scientific consensus with respect to the causal relationship between the socio-economic background and property crime like breaking and entering, Australian research, for example, illustrates that long term unemployment amongst young male adolescents has a substantial effect on property crime rates[9].

Enthorf and Spengler(2002)[10] find that planning-intense offences like breaking and entering, robbery and violence respond relatively slow to changes in the socio-economic conditions compared to other types of crime like drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime. According to the authors, this may reflect that in a first response to unfortunate social and economic developments some of the affected might become attracted to alcohol and drug abuse, which in a later phase has to be financed with criminal activities by committing property crimes like breaking and entering.


Social impacts

There are checklists available from research that help address social aspects of security issues such as breaking and entering. A recommendable method to involve citizens in urban planning that "designs in" those social aspects is the Experimental participation method.

Economic impact

Property crimes such as burglary lead to considerable costs in both a direct (primary) and a indirect (secondary) way[11]. Direct costs of burglary come in the form of:

  • Preventive costs in anticipation of burglaries (e.g. security measures, prevention, insurance fees);
  • Material and immaterial costs as a consequence of burglaries (e.g. physical damage, repairs, mental harm); and
  • Responsive costs to burglaries (e.g. the costs of detection and prevention, persecution, support trial, etc.).

In the Netherlands, property crimes make up about 52.0% of all criminal offences. This includes all kinds of property crimes such as breaking and entry, car looting and bicycle thefts. In 2005 there were almost 70,000 registered cases of breaking and entry in the Netherlands. This is 0.6% of all criminal offences that year. The costs of breaking and entering for Dutch society are estimated to be about EUR 1,400 per offence[12]. A UK-study estimates these costs at EUR 1,900 per case. Furthermore, there are the costs aimed to prevent breaking and entering. An average Dutch business affiliate, for example, is spending annually 891 EUR on security.

Burglary not only creates direct costs, but also has a lasting social and economic impact on the entire area. Obvious examples of these secondary economic effects are reduced house prices and costs of void properties. In general, crime prone areas with a long-standing reputation for suffering from much crime, are frequent subjects of high mobility of residents, vandalism, empty lots and buildings, businesses with extreme security measures, etc. In addition, one could consider the opportunity costs of police and other public services (like health care services for victim support). In sum, property crime such as burglary acts like a tax on the entire economy: it discourages investments by private residents, businesses and public authorities.

Mobility impacts

Mobility can be considered as the accessibility of an area or building. The rate or means of entry or exit to an urban object is also called Access and egress. A building perimeter is the area surrounding any building or event venue that will require controlled access. The building perimeter may be as near as the entrance gate(s) or curb surrounding a building or as far away as several blocks.

  • Recognize your weaknesses - where in your building or perimeter unwanted influences can gain access.
  • Identify Individual Access Needs: Determine who may need access to the building.

These should be identified before putting your transportation system in place as they have a direct impact on how your system will be managed and designed[13].

Normally, breaking and entering does not have mobility impacts on larger traffic scale, though mobility is a necessary condition for the person(s) breaking and entering in order to reach and get away from the location of issue. The possibilities to reach a certain location, e.g. by public transport, or different road alternatives (over land or water), determine the accessibility of the location.

The damage done from the breaking could have impact on the mobility within the building; a broken access door can greatly hinder access for the regular visitors.

A secondary impact could be that if the police would chase the suspect, the traffic would be disrupted, since the normal traffic needs to give way to the police car. Also the suspect could disrupt the traffic when fleeing.

Safety impacts

A burglary can result in loss of safety for the inhabitants, as a result of the breaking incurred.

  • The breaking of windows, doors, and other barriers between the inside and outside of the building means a loss of shelter from the elements for the inhabitants.
  • The breaking of safety structures such as fire-retardant doors, sprinklers, etcetera can mean a decreased protection against fire.
  • When the burglar encounters an inhabitant when burgling, this can result in physical injuries, mental trauma and sometimes even death.


Potential measures that can mitigate the likelihood or impact of breaking and entering include:

  • Target hardening can greatly increase the effort needed for criminals to enter the object and thereby reduce the attractiveness of an object. The use of alarms, resilient builders hardware, rollershutters or anti-climbing measures can increase the time needed to enter, thereby increase the risk of detection and reduce the attractiveness for and likelihood of burglary.
  • Surveillance can be effective to detect crime and if overt, to deter potential criminals by raising the perceived risk of apprehension. It can incur high costs if implemented as dedicated observers, either on location or remote. A more natural form of surveillance is surveillance by the inhabitants (also known as 'natural surveillance'), which can also be effective, provided that the commercial area is inhabited and the inhabitants have a good surveillability.
  • Reaction force is needed to make detection measures, such as alarms or surveillance, effective.
  • Directing traffic flows can be effective in preventing unneccesary traffic in a neighbourhod, reducing the visibility of potential targets to criminals. Study shows that targets are most likely to be chosen in likely travel directions of potential offenders[8].
  • Target removal By removing particularly vulnerable objects, burglary can in some case be effectively reduced. An example is a package of measures to prevent repeat victimization of houses on a public housing estate in Britain, including the removal of gas and electric coin meters which were frequent targets for theft, which reduced burglaries on the estate from 526 in the year before intervention to 132 three years laterCite error: Invalid <ref> tag;

refs with no name must have content.

  • Ownership is an important aspect in the prevention of unauthorized entry by creating a clear distinction between public and private space. By providing a clear distinction between public and private property, unwanted entry is more easily detected and requires a greater which reduces the number of opportunities for crime.
  • Maintenance and designing for easy maintenance can be used as the removal of a crime motivator, as deterioration can be an incentive to various forms of crime.
  • Removal of crime motivators ensures the separation of perpetrators , their incentives and opportunities, Such as the prevention of blank, reachable and highly visible walls to prevent graffiti.

Footnotes and references

  1. Rhodes, W. M., & Conly, C. (1981). Crime and mobility: An empirical study. In P. J. Brantingham, & P. L. Brantingham (Eds.), Environmental Criminology (pp. 167–188). Beverly Hills7 Sage.
  2. Bernasco Wim and Nieuwbeerta Paul, How do residential burglars select target areas? A new approach to the analysis of Criminal Location Choice, Brit. J. Criminol. (2005) 44, 296-315
  3. Kepple NJ, Freisthler B., Exploring the ecological association between crime and medical marijuana dispensaries.,J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2012 Jul;73(4):523-30
  4. Farrington David P., Langan Patrick A., and Tonry Michael, Cross-National Studies in Crime and Justice, September 2004, NCJ 200988, pag. 26
  5. Home Office, Safer Places. The planning system and crime prevention, 2004
  6. Greenfeld, Lawrence A, Alcohol and crime, an analysis of national data on the prevalence of alcohol involvement in crime, U,.S. Department of Justice, Office of justice Programs, April 5-7 1998, Washington D.C.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Lamm Weisel Deborah, Burglary of Single-Family Houses, Problem-Oriented Guides for Police, Guide No. 18
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Bernasco Wim and Nieuwbeerta Paul, How do residential burglars select target areas? A new approach to the analysis of Criminal Location Choice, Brit. J. Criminol. (2005) 44, 296-315
  9. See, e.g.: Chapman, B., D Weatherburn, C.A. Kapuscinski, M. Chilvers and S. Roussel (2002). Unemployment duration, schooling and property crime. CEPR Working paper
  10. Entorf, H., H. Spengler (2002). Crime in Europe; Causes and Consequences. Springer-Verlag Berlin
  11. Primary economic impact (or direct effects) are generally defined as the initial, immediate economic output generated by a specific cause (in this case a criminal offence). Secondary economic impact (or indirect effects) are generated each time a subsequent transaction is made, for example, the impact of crime on the real estate value in the neighbourhood.
  12. Source: SEO (2007). The costs of crime.
  13. http://www.theconventionstore.com/secure-transportation-systems.shtml