Protection against pickpocketing

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The protection level against pickpocketing question in Securban concerns only the measure type

  • Target removal measures taken by minimisation of the occurence of crowds and/or distractions.

The score is divided into two categories in Securban:

  1. No target removal measures taken to prevent pickpocketing.
  2. Target removal measures taken by minimisation of the occurrence of crowds and/or distractions. Examples of such measures include placing clear signposts or designing the area to minimize congestion.

As these categories are not exhaustive, and many intermediate protection levels exist, in answering the question about the protection level against burglary, one will have to choose the level that comes closest to the actual level.

All other measure types against pickpocketing (such as surveillance) are covered in other answers in Securban and should not be considered in answering this question.