Vulnerable group

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Vulnerable group

A vulnerable group is a set of persons bearing common characteristics that has an increased probability to be victimised.

Identification of vulnerable groups

A vulnerable group is characterised by the fact that it is

  • identifiable by potential perpatrators as a group
  • has qualities that attract potential perpetrators to the group

The identification by this mechanism should be done for all modi operandi that concern persons.


Vulnerable groups for kidnapping can be identified by checking:

  • are persons present which have relations to persons or organisations that have both the resources and willingness to protect them by paying a ransom if abducted or made hostage?
  • are these facts known or disinguisable by potential kidnappers?
  • can potential kidnappers identify these persons?

this can concern employees, family or relatives of rich persons or organisations with large resources or access to large resources


Vulnerable groups for pickpocketing can be identified by checking:

  • are people present that are occupied with other things than their belongings? Examples are tourists (looking at surroundings), people operating an ATM, travellers looking at the schedule, etc.
  • are they in a position that allows other people to get (very) close without raising suspicion? Examples are travellers in bus, tram, train or metro, waiting lines, crowds, etc.
  • are they identifiable as having valuable goods or easy access to the goods? Examples are tourists who are often easily distinguisable from locals by dress and behaviour and are carrying valuable cameras and travellers who carry suitcase, etc.

snatch theft

robbery with assault

Physical assault

Sexual assault

Verbal abuse, bullying


Mass killing

Footnotes and references


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