Difference between revisions of "Urban object"

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Within the Securipedia, the following categorisation of urban objects is used (click map for link):
Within the Securipedia, the following categorisation of urban objects is used (click map for link):
poly 89 77 277 79 278 8 490 6 489 213 278 213 275 152 90 151 90 104 [[Residential|Residential: housing facilities for living purposes]]
poly 93 280 279 274 281 211 492 216 491 416 278 416 276 346 92 346 [[Retail and commercial services|Retail: structures designed designated for the purpose of housing economic activities that fulfil the role of goods and service provision.]]
rect 89 344 274 411 [[Office|Office space]]
rect 50 2 345 142 [[Residential|Residential: housing facilities for living purposes]]
poly 86 444 278 442 279 407 488 411 493 546 278 541 277 511 86 511 [[Industry|Industry]]
poly 53 142 343 144 349 283 196 286 194 244 49 244 [[Retail and commercial services|Retail: structures designed designated for the purpose of housing economic activities that fulfil the role of goods and service provision.]]
rect 54 246 193 290 [[Office|Office space]]
rect 87 611 277 677 [[|]]
rect 280 548 494 607 [[Educational facilities|Educational facilities]]
rect 53 293 341 380 [[Industry|Industry]]
rect 63 432 190 475 [[Public services and facilities|Public services and facilities]]
rect 279 612 495 675 [[Health facilities|Health facilities]]
rect 196 381 337 427 [[Educational facilities|Educational facilities]]
rect 279 680 495 740 [[Government asset|Government assets]]
poly 89 811 282 805 279 740 496 745 492 805 286 806 286 877 495 874 496 942 272 940 276 876 91 876 [[|]]
rect 194 427 336 474 [[Health facilities|Health facilities]]
poly 690 742 501 743 499 810 290 808 292 870 496 871 500 945 685 943 [[Open and civic space|Open and civic space: public space designed for recreation]]
rect 195 474 334 520 [[Government asset|Government assets]]
poly 88 1010 278 1006 277 940 488 941 496 1143 280 1139 273 1074 88 1080 [[Utilities|Utilities: all infrastructures with supportive functions related to the health and well-being of the citizens, excluding transportation]]
poly 62 565 192 567 194 525 333 523 333 567 197 571 199 612 330 616 330 663 197 660 188 615 60 611 [[Amenity, open and civic space|Amenity, open and civic space]]
rect 86 1204 277 1276 [[|Transportation infrastructure]]
poly 482 677 482 524 338 522 332 577 201 571 199 610 330 614 340 668 [[Open and civic space|Open and civic space: public space designed for recreation]]
rect 284 1145 494 1210 [[Road network|Road network: road infrastructure connecting hubs]]
rect 67 664 337 809 [[Utilities|Utilities: all infrastructures with supportive functions related to the health and well-being of the citizens, excluding transportation]]
rect 59 837 194 890 [[Transportation|Transportation infrastructure]]
rect 285 1215 494 1278 [[Rail network|Rail network: rail infrastructure connecting hubs]]
poly 286 1284 494 1283 494 1237 684 1237 684 1372 494 1371 487 1334 281 1334 [[Hub|Hub: transfer node in a transport network]]
rect 196 802 336 851 [[Road network|Road network: road infrastructure connecting hubs]]
rect 89 1278 277 1341 [[Mixed use|Mixed use: a facility or location, designated for more than one function]]
rect 196 849 335 898 [[Rail network|Rail network: rail infrastructure connecting hubs]]
poly 477 982 477 883 337 880 333 898 196 897 196 944 328 947 341 976 [[Hub|Hub: transfer node in a transport network]]
rect 61 891 192 940 [[Mixed use|Mixed use: a facility or location, designated for more than one function]]
desc bottom-left

Revision as of 18:42, 4 December 2012

An Urban object is a physical structure within the urban built environment.

Types of urban objects

Within the Securipedia, the following categorisation of urban objects is used (click map for link):

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