Measure type: Target hardening

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Measure type: Target hardening


This situational crime prevention approach involves the use of devices or materials designed to obstruct the vandal by physical barriers:

1. Toughened glass (acrylic, polycarbon, etc.) 

2. Latticework or screens to cover windows 3. Fire-retardant paint 4. High-impact plastic or steel fixtures 5. Hardened rubber or plastic swing seats 6. Concrete or steel picnic tables, benches, bleachers 7. Trash receptacles bolted to concrete bases 8. Rough-play-tolerant adventure playgrounds 9. Original planting of large-diameter trees 10. Slash-proof transit vehicle seats 11. Steel-framed bus seats 12. Anti-graffiti repellent spray on bus seats 13. Tamper-proof sign hardware and fasteners 14. Door anchor hinges with non-removable pins

Essential conditions

Requirements to the urban environment


Side effects

Footnotes and references


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