All-hazard approach

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All-hazard approach


The all-hazard approach is a generalized framework for mitigating, preparing for and responding to a wide range of disasters and emergencies irrespective of the nature of the event. All-hazards incorporates

  • natural (e.g. flooding, earthquakes etc.),
  • man-made (e.g. industrial or technical accidents) and
  • intentional (e.g. terrorism, organized crime, cyber threats etc.)

disasters and threats. A complete all-hazards plan requires input from an all-hazard team (experts and all stakeholders) and includes all information for all risks and events.

The all-hazard approach has emerged in the field of disaster and emergency management and then spread to critical infrastructure protection. It has gained ground on the international scale (e.g. FEMA, DHS, AHC, ICSM, see also GAO 2005) and, together with the “comprehensive approach” in security policies and security research, has been advanced in order to meet current and future threats based on better integration of information, assessment, policies, capacities and capabilities.

The EU follows an all-hazard approach in the European Program for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP), and is aiming for using knowledge management principles and collecting a repertory of political, technological and other solutions. However, the all-hazard approach is not systemically applied yet, and systemic, strategic and proactive management is not always implemented in practice. Due to lack of common risk assessment standards threats are often underestimated. In its communication on the EU Internal Security Strategy the European Commission (2010a: 8-11) appeals for uniform risk analyses based on standardised criteria to establish a Common Risk Management Framework (CRMF), also including risk information and risk-based controls. Based on the Security Strategy and the Communications on the Prevention of Natural and Man-made Disasters (European Commission, 2009), the EC developed Risk Assessment und Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management (European Commission, 2010b) to support the member states in their efforts and contributions for a European Risk Atlas, serving as a further basis for an adequate coherent all hazard risk policy due to be established by 2014.

Footnotes and references



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