Cooperative Discourse

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Cooperative Discourse is a citizen participation method to determine and integrate legal aspects in the strategic planning of secure public spaces. Cooperative discourse is understood as a combination of elements of mediation, of the Delphi survey and of the citizen juries aimed at solving planning assignments. The outcome of cooperative discourse is a recommendation to the politicians (decision-makers).

Process description

The first step of this participatory method is to draw up a catalogue of criteria for assessing various planning options; here a mediator works with representatives of the interest groups affected. In step two experts analyse the likely effects of the various planning options in a Delphi survey. In the third and final step citizens selected at random evaluate the options in a citizen jury, with the aid of the catalogue of criteria and the experts’ analyses.

How does it support in planning of secure public spaces?

  • Facilitation of addressing very complex decision processes;
  • Handling of regional planning issues with existing latent or open conflicts;
  • Determination of legal aspects in planning of public spaces.

Links and further reading