Welcome to Urban Securipedia

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Urban Securipedia is an urban security (and connected safety) knowledge base which forms part of a complimentary tool with the objective of assisting and supporting the urban planner to make more informed deliberations and decisions on the proper planning and sustainable development of the urban area, from a security (and connected safety) perspective.

Urban Securipedia has been developed with the end-user in mind and, accordingly, a number of starting points are possible:

1. Enter by urban function/issue
(select from below)
2. Enter by Urban Object Type
(Hover over different land uses below)
3. Enter by specific keyword
(And see top right of screen)
File:Legal.png File:Safety&security.png
Economic.png File:Mobility.png
File:Social.png File:Ethics.png
ResidentialResidentialSocial infrastructureOfficesMixed useTransport infrastructureIndustryAmenityRetailResidentialAmenity, Open/civic spaceAmenity, Open/Civic SpaceIndustryClickmap.png
Search by specific keyword: <searchbox Size="35" />

Urban Securipedia is one of two inter‐related components of computer assisted support for urban planners, to support decision making with regard to the security of cities concerning concrete problems or goals. Each component, namely the Knowledge Base (i.e. this Urban Securipedia) and the Risk Assessment (SecuRbAn) work closely together in supporting the urban planner in a way that is described in the how to use guide.